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201 stainless steel plate drawing film production process

2024-10-11 11:09:14
201 stainless steel plate drawing film production process

Ever seen super shiny and perfectly smooth stainless steel sheet? It looks really nice, right? But, do you know how it’s made? Today we are going to talk about how a special kind of Stainless Steel Plate by JINGZHAN is made. People have been using granite for centuries because of its durability and aesthetically pleasing appearance typically seen in kitchen countertops, decor, and architecture. 

What is 201 Stainless Steel? 

But before we go on to how this baptismal shell is produced, let us first know what 201 stainless steel means. It is a specific kind of this other special type of stainless steel that has plenty well, two very important materials inside: chromium and nickel. These materials are special because of their influence on the hardiness and durability of steel. That makes the Stainless steel plate strong and less likely to get damaged or begin rusting along with things you can use something many times every day.  

201 Stainless Steel Plate Drawing Film Production Process?   

The 201 stainless steel plate drawing film production process: the raw material is generally a large side of flat big board. It is a sheet about 1 meter wide and perhaps 2 meters long. The steel is cut off as per customer requirement at the first step. So, each customer can have a very different set of things they want. Once they are cut these pieces so many such as cutting, grinding and polishing to thankful that you move smoothly. It also helps removing any bits or imperfections morally and ensures the perfect finish. 

The Crucial Process of Filming

Now for the most critical part of the entire process. A wire made of steel is pulled through special rollers that crush and elongate it. This stage is known as cold rolling which can be repeated several times until it gets the right thickness and smoothness that we need. This is significant for cold rolling as it shapes the steel to be in a shape you desire. 

Cold rolling leaves some scratches on the surface due to friction from rollers. This is repaired by a specific drawing film on the surface of this. It sticks extremely well because it is a kind of plastic drawing film. This film is frequently colored blue or black and it is extremely thin, almost feels like paper. 

Making the Drawing Film

Now back to how the drawing film is produced. The process starts with the mixing of some special plastic and other ingredients in a large tank. The mix is then heated to a very high temperature and constantly stirred until it becomes the consistency of thick syrup. This is important as it allows the ingredients to mesh together. 

After it is ready the mixture is poured on a flat surface, typically metal. The next step is the use of a roller to ensure an even spread across the surface. Once it spreads, that liquid cools and turns back into a thin layer of solid. The film is then meticulously stripped from the surface, cut into its appropriate size and shape to be utilized. 

A lump representative preparation sheet is made that can be placed in a laminator machine to affix the same onto steel. The laminator is critical because it takes the film and wraps that in around 240° of steel adhering to via tension language plus heat. Following that, the steel will pass through additional rollers which push down quite tightly on this film to ensure it is bonded correctly. This is an important part to ensure the film does not easily come off. 

How to Make High-Quality Film?  

There is no doubt that the drawing film will be much more difficult because of the opportunity for small faults to come out, and creating a high quality 201 stainless steel plate laser film requires specialists. The film, which for the best finish must be even in thickness throughout and evenly spread across the steel. They use special machines that, they say, are extremely precise. This accuracy is essential to make certain that every part comes out just right. 

Second, the appropriate temperature and pressure have to be applied during lamination. If the temperature is too low, it could cause you film to not want to stick as well to the steel which will leave popping and gross wrinkles that can ruin your finish. When the temperature is too hot, on the other hand, this will cause melt films to become less beneficial for our end product. 

Finally, to produce 201 stainless steel plate drawing film is a very exotic and sophisticated process. There are a lot of skills, and effort goes into completing all the step processes to achieve perfection The end result is an attractive stainless steel sheet that rusts less. By this article, let you know how wonderful to produce 201 stainless steel plate drawing film too.  

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